Is there K-Lite Codec for Mac?
Recently switched to Mac computer but have problem of playing MKV, AVI, WMV, FLV, MTS, MXF, etc with default Quicktime player? You probably have used the popular K-Lite Codec Pack (with full name “K-Lite Mega Codec Pack”) on Windows and thought there might be a K-Lite Mega Codec Pack for Mac OS X.
Actually there is not a K-Lite Codec pack for Mac at the time of this writing. However, after testing, Techisky found there is a K-Lite Codec for Mac alternative/equivalent that works similar to K-Lite Codec on mcOS 10.14 Mojave, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X EL Capitan 10.11, Yosemite 10.10, Mavericks(10.9), Mountain Lion(10.8), Snow Leopard(10.7), Leopard(10.6), etc.
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes codecs for the most popular compressions like Divx and Xvid as well as some of the less popular but still necessary codecs. The best K-Lite Codec for Mac – Perian. Perian is one stop codec resource on Mac similar to K-Lite Codec Pack on Windows. Perian is a free, open source, QuickTime component that extends. XviD codec for Mac OS 8/9 (3KB) The.sit file contains a QuickTime component, which delegates the playback of XviD videos to the DivX codec installed on your system. To install the XviD delegate component on Mac OS X, put the XVIDDelegate.component file in the /Library/QuickTime folder.
What is K-Lite Codec Pack?
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack or K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs, DirectShow filters and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video formats. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes the Full K-lite codec pack as well as Quicktime and Realplayer codecs and BS Player. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes codecs for the most popular compressions like Divx and Xvid as well as some of the less popular but still necessary codecs.
The best K-Lite Codec for Mac – Perian
Perian is one stop codec resource on Mac similar to K-Lite Codec Pack on Windows. Perian is a free, open source, QuickTime component that extends QuickTime support for many popular types of media, including MKV, FLV, WMV, AVI, DivX, and XviD.
How to download and install K-Lite Codec for Mac – Perian?
Perian is just 3 MB in size. So it is very fast to download. Click the the download button below to start download from Perian Office site.
After you downloa the DMG file, double click on Perian.1.2.3.dmg file to install it. Then you will be able to play audio and video files with QuickTime player. Enjoy!.
Divx Download

I download Perian, but still can’t play MKV, MP4, AVI, etc.
Download Divx For Mac
If you installed Perian, but still have problem of playing video files such as MKV files with FLAC codec, MP4 files with AC3 codec, video files with multi-channel audios. You can fee download Total Video Converter for Mac to convert your video and audio files to QuickTime supported video.
Perian No Longer Working in Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, EL Capitan, Yosemite or OS X 10.9 Mavericks?
Perian No Longer Working in mcOS 10.14 Mojave, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, MacOS Sierra 10.12, OS X 10.11 EL Capitan, 10.10 Yosemite, 10.9 Mavericks? Click to refer to the related article Can QuickTime X Play AVI,WMV,FLV,MKV,DivX in OS X EL Capitan, Yosemite and Mavericks(OS X 10.9)?

With DivX 10.2, Codec Pack was removed from the DivX Software bundle. For those of you who used the DivX codec in third party software to play or create your DivX files, here’s an explanation of why we did this and what this means for you.
Why did we do this?
We want to simplify what we distribute and how, so that only the filters used by DivX Player and Web Player, DivX Converter and DivX Media Server applications will be installed. This ensures that you get exactly what they need for your unique use of DivX software, and also reduces the DivX bundle size and install footprint.
What this means for you:
When it comes to the DivX software—Player, Web Player, Converter, Media Server—you won’t see any change. You’ll still be able to play, create, and stream all the same videos just as before. If you had previously installed DivX Codec pack, it will remain on your system even after updating to DivX 10.2.
We want to focus on improving and updating our tools so that you always have the best experience possible with DivX products and the DivX format. By focusing on DivX applications, we can also deliver new codecs and features, like HEVC, and get them to you faster. DivX also has a Software Integration solution that allows us to work with other software creators to ensure compatibility with the DivX format—for file playback or creation. This all will guarantee compliance with the more than 1 billion DivX certified devices in the world.
Questions or suggestions? Tell us about it on our Forums.
**Edit: August 18, 2014**
For those of you who would like to use the legacy DivX Codec Pack to convert and play DivX MPEG-4 videos in third-party programs, you can download it here.