A little birdie left a comment saying there was an unofficial Tor Browser Bundle for Tiger and Leopard at sourceforge.net/projects/osxpowerpcpackages. Given that I wrote a long torturous post about how to use Tor without the bundle since Tor officially dropped PowerPC, I naturally wanted to check this out.
Vidalia is a cross-platform graphical controller for Tor software, built using the Qt framework. Vidalia runs on most platforms supported by Qt 4.3 or later, including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux or other Unix variants using the X11 window system. Vidalia lets you start and stop Tor, see how much bandwidth you are consuming, see how many circuits you currently have active, see where these. The name comes from the Vidalia onion since Tor uses onion routing. Vidalia is released under the GNU General Public License. It runs on any platform supported by Qt 4.2, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux or other Unix-like variants using the X11 window system. Vidalia is no longer maintained or supported, and Tor developers do not. Vidalia is a cross-platform graphical controller for the Tor software, built using the Qt framework. Vidalia runs on most platforms supported by Qt 4.3 or later, including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux or other Unix variants using the X11 window system.

So I downloaded it and it turns out it's no joke. It really is the Tor Browser Bundle for PowerPC. From the ReadMe:
The packages in this directory are UNOFFICIAL builds of the Tor Browser Bundle for Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) and Leopard (10.5), PowerPC architecture. Optimized builds are available for the different PowerPC versions, namely, the G3, G4 (7450) and G5.As said, it's a bit outdated so it's more proof of concept, but everything works. It all comes in one app bundle, and inside it are Vidalia and Firefox, with Firefox having its own profile in TorBrowser.app/Library/Application Support/, so you can run this side-by-side with TenFourFox with no problems.
The bundle is based on the official Tor Browser Bundle with changes to make it work on older Mac OS X versions and the PowerPC architecture. Most notably, Qt is downgraded to the last Mac OS X 10.4 compatible version (4.7.4) and Firefox is patched with suitable parts from the TenFourFox changeset.
Note that the 2.3.25-15 bundle version is already outdated. More current version based on Tor Browser Bundle 3.5 is in the works.
It also sets your user agent to the default Tor user agent, has private browsing enabled, and sets
Vidalia Tor For Mac Computers
to 'true,' so all your bases are covered. It comes with two add-ons, HTTPS Everywhere and NoScript. NoScript is set to allow scripts by default, so you want to click the 'Forbid Scripts' option.Vidalia Tor For Mac Os
Basically all you need to do is start the application, watch Vidalia establish a connection until Firefox opens to a page announcing you're browsing anonymously. Easy like it's supposed to be.Vidalia Tor For Mac Catalina
I'm also intrigued by the account name on that Sourceforge page. It's called 'OS X PowerPC Packages' with the description, 'A repository providing binaries of open source packages built for OS X Tiger (10.4) and Leopard (10.5) PowerPC.' So maybe there'll be more in the future.