Topic Last Modified: 2014-11-12
Download Lync 2013 For Macbook Pro
Setting up Microsoft Lync. To download Lync (2010 or 2013 for Windows, 2011 for Mac), sign in to your web mail ( In the web mail interface, click the Settings menu (Gear icon) at the top right and choose “Office 365 Settings,” (see image, right) and then click 'Software'. Download the latest version of Lync for your computer. Download Skype for Business and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013 for iOS, extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favorite mobile device: voice & video over wireless, rich presence, instant messaging, conferencing, and calling features from a single, easy-to-use interface. Microsoft lync 2013 free download - Lync, Microsoft Lync 2010 (64-Bit), Microsoft Lync 2010, and many more programs.
To ensure that you have the latest version of Lync client, check out this frequently updated list of all client release versions for Microsoft Lync 2013.

If your organization uses Lync, you can download a Microsoft Lync 2013 app for your mobile device to stay connected on the go. For a list of features supported on each mobile device, see the Mobile Client Comparison Tables in the Microsoft TechNet library. For known issues, see Lync 2013 known issues and go to the Lync Mobile (release) section. This page lists the mobile devices for which. Lync 2013 free download - Lync, Skype for Business (formerly Lync 2013), Skype for Business (formerly Lync 2013), and many more programs.

Determining your Lync desktop client version
To find out which version of Lync desktop client you are using, open the About Lync dialog by clicking the options icon. On the Options menu, select Help and then select About Microsoft Lync. The client version number is usually displayed in the first line on the About Lync dialog.
Lync client updates
One of the most common checks that to do when troubleshooting Lync client issues is determining whether you are running the latest version of the Lync client and if all patches are installed. A majority of the Lync client issues that get reported are resolved by upgrading to the latest release or update of the product. Thus, we highly recommended that you install the latest version of the Lync client, along with the latest updates, before you contact Microsoft Product Support. This article will help you identify the correct release version number.
Each update for Lync client has its own version number. You can determine the version number associated with an update by looking at the related KB article, linked to in the following table.
Lync 2013 Client For Mac Download
Lync Server Updates
For information about updates for Lync Server 2013, see Updates for Lync Server 2013 on the Microsoft support web.